With the onset of Q4, everyone is relooking at their social media strategy.
Before we dive into which social media platforms you should be on, let’s have a look at what kind of products and users each of these platforms offer. Unfortunately, being everywhere all of the time, doesn’t work anymore. We need to figure out where our end-users are hanging out and build our strategies from that knowledge.

It’s been years since the launch of Facebook, but even in 2022, the platform has reported 2.94 billion active users! Around 3 out of every 4 of 3.96 billion social media users are active on Facebook! With its reach and its numbers, Facebook continues to be the Social Media King. India has one of the highest number of users of Facebook in the world. In fact, did you know that 27% of Android Users worldwide use the Facebook app, daily?
Second on the list of the most popular social media platforms in 2022 is YouTube with 2.48 billion active users – 84 percent of the number of Facebook users. Given that 720,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day worldwide, it may seem like an uphill task to get your video noticed. But also consider these YouTube statistics: 1 billion hours of video on YouTube are watched daily and 90 percent of consumers say they discover new brands and products through YouTube. In case you are wondering what’s happening on this video platform, check out Top 10 Most Viewed Videos in the history of YouTube!
WhatsApp & Instagram
The third- and fourth-most popular social media platforms are WhatsApp and Instagram, with two billion and 1.44 billion active users, respectively. Incidentally, both are owned by the same parent company as Facebook: Meta (previously Facebook).
Snapchat is another platform that’s all set to dominate the market. One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are usually only available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients.Around 54.4% of Snapchat users are female and 44.6% are male. As of April 2022, India has the most Snapchat users (115.95 million), followed by the U.S (106.2 million.)
This is a platform made for the youth, and only the younger generation hangs out there. So, if your brand or company is targeting youngsters – make sure your strategy includes Snapchat.
Unfortunately, there are no one-size-fits all strategies that will help you grow your business and put you in eyeview of potential customers/users. But, there are ad agencies that can help you get there! 😉 Ad2Connect just happens to be one of them.
Email us at [email protected] & we will be more than happy to help you take your social media game to the next level.